Category Archives: Student Issues

Weekly Poll: Your Opinion on this Year’s Presidential Race

Although the economy is still the most important issue among many voters, a recent USA Today/Gallup poll in key swing states shows women ranked abortion as their number one issue. What do you think?

The Social Experiment: Students Try No Facebook, No Texting For One Week

Facebook and texting are like food and water for modern-day teenagers. They think in status updates, check e-mail before brushing their teeth and fall asleep while texting. But can they live without social networking for a full week? This article reveals how some high school teenagers faced the challenge of going cold turkey on “a trip back to 1995: no Facebook, no texting, no e-mail, no Instant Messaging.” (12/10/10 ABCNews, Ki Mae Heussner and Neal Karlinsky) … Read Article

1. What event inspired the “Social Experiment”? What did Nicholi Wytovicz say about “paper-and-ink book” during the experiment?

2. What is the relationship between video production teacher Trent Mitchell and the teacher from the rival high school, Shorewood?

Alarming Number of Dropouts Has Colleges Scrambling For Solutions

When Amanda Wieder enrolled at the University of Florida in summer 2009, she worried not only about the transition to college life but also about how she’d pay for her education. And as a first-generation college student, statistics say Amanda is less likely to graduate than her peers. What can colleges do to intervene in the alarming dropout rates? This article reveals what measures are being taken to address this problem. (12/4/10 ABC News on Campus, Meg Wagner) … Read article

1. According to Joseph Gonzalez, faculty coordinator for First Year Seminar at Appalachian State University, what is the cure to the dropout problem?

2. What university is creating a “culture of success”  as a solution to students dropout? What does the “culture of success” consist of? How successful is the program?

Gates Foundation Aims to Increase College Graduation

For many years, diversity in higher education has been measured by how many low-income students and students of color enroll in college. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation wants to make a dramatic change in that definition, by focusing instead on college graduation rates. This article reveals how the Gates Foundation is working to make a difference in students college graduation rate. (9/27/10 Associated Press in ABC News, Donna Gordon Blankinship) … Read Article

1. In what specific project does the mayor of New York City plan to invest the grant from Gates Foundation?

2. According to the article, what is the long term goal of the Gates Foundation?

(Poll)Polisci Students’ Opinion on Priority of the Next Congress

In one of our recent polls we asked MPSL students what the priority of the next Congress should be. The result: about 54% said the priority should be to spend to create jobs; about 23% said to reduce the national debt; about 15% said to reduce the budget deficit; while about 8% said the tax cuts should be the priority of the next Congress. In a similar nationwide poll, USA Today/Gallup Poll asked Americans what should be the highest priority of Congress after the election: 38% of Americans said the priority should be passing a new economic stimulus bill designed to create jobs; 24% said cutting federal spending; 23% said repealing the new healthcare law; and 8% said extending all the federal income tax cuts enacted during the Bush administration should be the highest priority of the new Congress.

Exit polls show that voters were most frustrated by the state of the economy. What do you think?

“Cocaine in a Can” Poses Health Risk for College-Age Drinkers

Concern over a controversial beverage concoction of caffeine and booze, that some experts say may not even be legal, could be posing a new health threat for the drinks’ biggest fans: college-age people. Who manufactures this concoction? Who are the targeted drinkers of this new controversial beverage? This article provides an analysis of the potential health risk of the new drink dobbed “cocain in  a can.” (10/20/10 ABC News on Campus, Claton Sandell and Lynne Guey) … Read Article

1. What measure is taken by Phusion the manufacturer of Four Loko to ensure that the drink is not sold to underage consumers?

2. What measure is taken by the FDA to address the problem posed by Four Loko?

From Homeless to Youth of the year

Walking around campus at Arizona State University, 17-year-old Ramonia Dixon from Tempe is not your typical freshman. What makes Dixon different from the average college freshman? This blog reveals a once hidden secret about Dixon. (10/27/10 ABC News on Campus, Natalie Podgorski) … Read Article

1. What early childhood living condition makes Dixon different from the average college freshman?

2. What does Dixon plan to do with her new found fortune?

Back to School: Seniors Returning to College

Back to school takes on a new meaning for seniors in their 80s at Syracuse Univeristy, Hunter College. On the first day of class as students introduce their name, year and major, one major stood out among them: “My name is Monroe Guisbond. I’m 86 years old, and I’m majoring in life.” While the older students bring their experience and knowledge of politics, the younger students bring their technical knowledge. This makes for a very diverse group of students. What are the advantages of this diverse group for both students and professor? This article reveals some of the benefits of lifelong learning. (10/26/10 ABC News on Campus, Danielle Waugh) … Read Article

1. According to Dr. Sharon Brangman, what impact does a student like 80 years old Mindell have on the classroom?

2. According to Katherine DiVita, a junior majoring in public relations, what is the advantage of taking class with older students?

College Grads Head Overseas for Jobs

After graduating from the University of Florida in May, Henry Jaeger knew it would be tough to find a job in the middle of a recession.  So instead of looking for work in the U.S., Jaeger, a political science major, posted his resume on two websites looking for English teachers in China. He received more than 30 job offers in a week. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a foreign country far away from home? This article sheds light on why some recents graduates are looking beyond the homeland for jobs. (10/14/10 ABC News on Campus, Lynne Guey) … Read Article

1. What is happening to the typical corporate American jobs, according to Ross Friedman? Why is he willing to travel abroad for job?

2. What has been the impact, on the Peace Corps program, of the trend to head overseas for jobs by college graduates?

Is It All Right to Snoop on Your Child Online?

According to a survey released by the Internet privacy company TRUSTe, 10 percent of parents admitted they secretly logged in to their kids’ Facebook accounts. Why would parents want to have access to their children’s online account? What are the pros and cons of the cyber monitoring? This article sheds light on what experts think about cyber control. (10/20/10 ABCNews, Ki Mae Heussner) … Read article

1. What advice did Monica Vila give to parents regarding online monitoring of their children?

2. How are parents to handle the conflicting values of protection and trust when it comes to cyber control?