The Great Debate: Nixon-Kennedy 50 Years Later

A lot has been written and talked about the first live television debate between Kennedy and Nixon. Some say the tv made Kennedy a superstar and Nixon a loser. To what extent does tv impact political debates and election results in America? This article sheds light on the event of 50 years ago and explores the role of tv in American politics (9/25/10 ABC News, Susan Donaldson James) … Read Article

1. What specific events in Nixon’s life contributed to his poor performance in the debate?

2. In what way did Kennedy use television to his advantage in the debate?

26 responses to “The Great Debate: Nixon-Kennedy 50 Years Later

  1. Timothy Weyhreter

    Nixon’s poor performance was due to his lack of knowledge of how to perform in front of a camera and present himself well. Kennedy was well versed with television and how to present himself to be a confident man.

  2. Jonathan Asencio Leon

    Kennedy was well prepare for this debate while Nixon was lost an unprepared

  3. kennedy obviously presented himself in a way that would capture his people while nixon was a bit unprepared for their great debate

  4. I think Kennedy like Obama are more likable and seem to be more prepared. and i think they are liked because they seem to be good people speaking with truth and integrity.

  5. Recovering from a staph infection after being hospitalized for 12 days for a knee operation, Nixon had just put in a full day of campaigning.

    Kennedy, had worn a dark suit. Grabbed a blue shirt and a longer pair of socks so his skin would not be exposed while seated.

    Kennedy’s calm and relieved apperance helped during the debate. His confidence speech and assuring words made people lean towards Kennedy.

  6. Kennedy knew how to capture the peoples attention in a good, casual,and respectful way, and he prepared himself well throughtout all the process that made him become a great debator. Nixon on the other hand, was too worried and his lack of self confidence made him look weak.

  7. Kennedy actually took the time to prepare for this debate so that he can get peoples attention and favor him. On the other hand, Nixon failed to get himself ready and made a big fool out of himself and looked like he knew nothing at all.

  8. Kennedy was well prepared while Nixon failed to prepare for this debate

  9. Nixon was just recovering from a staph infection in his knee. He had been campaigning all day.

    Kennedy was calm, self confident and well groomed for the debate while Nixon was ill, had lost 60 pounds and was poorly groomed for the debate.

  10. Kennedy surprised everyone with his well prepared speech. on the other hand, nixon was worry about other things rather than his speech. he felt too confident that finally ended with a weak speech

  11. for this debate Nixon bad performance was due to lack of knowledge and kennedy did so well cause he came prepared.

  12. nixon was not prepared for he debate so he did not do good at al, since he was a two term vice-president he thought he had it all down and was going to beat kennedy at the debate.

    kennedy had his good looks as in advantage and he was prepared for the debate with nixon.

  13. Even though Nixon was the vice-presindent and thought he was well prepared didnt really showed it during his debte with Kennedy he was very nevouse.

    The reason why Keneedy had television to his advantage was because he was good looking.

  14. Nixon was not prepared as Kennedy was well prepared as he even took a nap to calm his nerves. Kennedy was confident as nixon was shakey, sweaty and ill prepared..

    Kennedy was confident. He didnot hold the fact that he was a catholic against himself, he used it to his advantage. Kennedy was well groomed, well educated as Nixon looked out of shape and nervous.

  15. 1. What specific events in Nixon’s life contributed to his poor performance in the debate?

    Nixon was ill prepared for his debate against Kennedy

    2. In what way did Kennedy use television to his advantage in the debate?

    Kennedy was relaxed, confident and looked very sharp for the debate

  16. nancy hernandez

    1. the poor performances of the debate were him being late to the studio but instead of being there on time he decided to take a nap. he also didnt do much with the campaign due to his leg.

    2. He used the televison to his advantage because he was a good looking man.

  17. 1. What specific events in Nixon’s life contributed to his poor performance in the debate?
    2. In what way did Kennedy use television to his advantage in the debate?

  18. 1. What specific events in Nixon’s life contributed to his poor performance in the debate?

    Nixon had been hospitalized for 12 days for a knee operation and as a result got a staph infection. He had put in a full day of campaigning. He also locked himself up in a hotel room. Nixon refused to rehearse. Nixon and Kennedy were only 4 yrs apart but Nixon looked a generation older. Nixon was also very exhausted and lost 20 pounds. His shirt collar looked too big on tv. Nixon refused a make up artist to improve his appearance.

    2. In what way did Kennedy use television to his advantage in the debate?

    The debate was shown in black/white color with advanced technology. Kennedy used this to his advantage because he was nicely tanned, confident, and was very articulate. He also looked much better than Nixon because he smiled and looked very relaxed.

  19. Nixon was not prepared for the debate because he looked very nervous and just came from the hospital.

    Kennedy was well prepared and used his good looks to take advantage of the media.

  20. Kennedy was the better candidate.

  21. Opportunities are only for the people who are prepared.

  22. after reading the article i believe that Kennedy was more prepared and know what to say a a lot more than Nixon

  23. It was a matter of confidence and knowledge what made this two candidates seem so different in front of television, so the results are a consequence of this.

  24. what I see here is Kennedy was alot more ready than Nixon for the debate.

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