Weekly Poll: Your Opinion on Obama’s Jobs Plan

On September 8, President Obama addressed a Joint Session of Congress and the nation presenting his jobs plan. He urged Congress to “pass this jobs plan” right away. What do you think about the President’s plan?

27 responses to “Weekly Poll: Your Opinion on Obama’s Jobs Plan

  1. Most of the reaction I’ve heard and read in regards to Obama’s jobs plan so far has been negative. I read an online editorial from the Washington Times, which is a conservative-leaning publication, that seemed to summarize why people are critical of the American Jobs Act. The article opines that Obama, through this jobs plan, is a living example of what Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity, that is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time. What is meant by this is that Obama and the Democratic party believe that more spending is needed to cure America’s economic problems and to create jobs for people, when in actuality it seems that the government’s increased spending is part of the reason of what is causing economic problems for the United States. This is where the problem is for Obama and for the federal government; it really doesn’t matter that much about what stimulus package or public spending that the government comes up with to cure the ailing economy and to create jobs, the government is not the one who creates most jobs for people, it is the vibrant free market that creates jobs.

    Here’s that editorial if any of you are interested in reading it: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/sep/8/obama-and-the-lunatic-left/

    • I also wanted to add that I read another editorial from the Washington Times, that came out in June of this year, that offered ways to help for Obama and the government to create jobs, indicating that when government spending decreases, employment increases: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/jun/6/how-to-create-jobs-now/

      Here’s what the author suggested:

      1. Cut government spending by 20%
      2. Don’t further increase taxes on labor and capital
      3. Impose a freeze on all new regulations until each proposed regulation has undergone a full and independent cost-benefit study subject to outside legal challenge.

  2. I’m VERY interested in our President’s New job plan. Not so much that I agree or dissagree with it…but moreso whether it will work or not. So far, the one of the more important things to take into consideration would be how in debt we are. Though this plan promises debt reduction over the course of ten years, it might/might not be a permanent fix to the problem. Will the country simply fall back into our current numbers of unemployment? Or will Obama’s job plan actually work? Hard to say.

  3. Well, I am not leaning neither way, but the fact that the highways and bridges NEED repair, maintenance is evident. Hopefully, things do get on the way and AMERICANS will be called upon to fill these slots and have meaningful employment. Don’t need the contractors undermining us and hiring subpay employees without proper documentation to fill these slots. I just saw the CBS news last night on how many people in Ohio, i believe, are affected about a bridge that needed much repair and has been shut down. Citizens now have to reroute themselves to work another 2 HOURS!!
    Let’s not see this America fall to pieces and provide the U.S. citizens with decent dependable daily transportation.

  4. It”s very interested in knowing that our president has a job plan. Even though Iv’e heard Obamas job plan so far has been negative. It’s not so much that I agree or disagree, but what it matters whether it will work or not. The job plan promised debt reduction hopefully It will be a permanent fix to the problem. The good thing that really matters is that our president wants to give his people a better life and a better future.

  5. I believe the intentions are good, although we’ve only seen little results and the increase in job opportunities have been minor. this is why I believe people are not satisfied with the outcomes of Obama’s plans. they expecpect drastic changes in so little time. yet they do not realize the how big the problem really is… this cannot be fixed in one year. nor five years… i MIGHT be reduced in about ten years if goverment takes the right steps….

    here’s something to give an idea of how bad our national debt is.

  6. Tax cuts are not the answer. Many of America’s businesses either pay little or no taxes. The way to create jobs is to find the need for jobs. Once jobs are found, and people have money in their pockets, people will be able to participate in the improving of the economy. Lower taxes are not going to help if people have no money any way. Just because a business has lower taxes doesn’t mean they will lower their prices, that is bad business! And if the business is going to hire employees and take the tax cuts, how much profit is that actually going to gain them? I would venture to guess not much. This plan will not work. Despite my feelings about it though, I am quite interested on how it affects the country.

  7. I just want to see if it works or not. If you never try you will never know. I just hope it doesn’t back fire.

  8. It will be interesting to see what happens. This is so important to the American people, but we will have to see if the egos of the President’s opponents get in the way of passage. Also, because this is one of those “sure to pass” bills, I wonder what riders they will attach to it.

  9. i am very intersted in thejobs plans that the president has since it is really important due to economic issues. now a days jobs are very limited and sometimes do not even help with the bills. so having new job oppurtunities i think is a subject that interests everyone.

  10. I think that the president has hired a great team to help him devise a plan hat will help our economy. I think that Congress is only staying true to their original intent, which is to block any and all efforts of this president. They are being really childish and I think that we all need to really look close to at the overall situation that were in. Each day I hear all these racist personal attacks against him yet he has not given up on trying to work with. I have not heard them say how to support the country. They waited until the LAST day to extend unemployment benefits. This show us that they’d rather see our entire country fall then do whats right the the people (us) whom they work for. Now if we are going to ask any question it should be, Who is held accountable for their behaviors? What message does this teach our children? Who are we going to allow to continue in office? People that are color blind and business savvy or Angry rich folks that won’t be effected one way or another? Did you know that the average congressmen makes between $175,000 – $200.000 per year, whereas the average working American makes between 20,000 – 50,000 at year per household. hmmmm Have you all paid attention to the ugly debates that have taken place? These men and women are selfish, they only plan to through stones at one another, nobody has come forth with any REAL solutions to our problems or even place blame on the culprits responsible. We have forgotten that Obama has only been in office 3 years, he did not create these problems, he inherited them from a president whom destroyed this country in 8 years. So for a minority to want to step in an try to make things better demonstrates GREAT courage. Look at the first lady, she has done an extraordinary job of tackling obesity in youth today. Although they are new in the game, together they are working very hard to make changes for our country. So to answer the question, YES I am willing to listen to any REAL solution that will help my family in the long run.

  11. I believe that Barack Obama’s new proposal will work, due to the fact that it has all of the ideas an elements that most prominent republicans and democrats have projected to boost jobs and help the economy. By waiting and hoping, the unemployment rate will not improve. No one else has come up with a plan as large with proposals from both parties. It would be best to give the plan a chance rather then do nothing and watch congress bicker over witch party is better to serve the contry. Our elected official has forgotten why they were elected. The fighting must stop and they should do what’s best for the country. They should come up with a plan to vote on what would fix the economy or vote to approve presidents Obamas plan, whatever is necassary to improve our unemployment.

  12. I personally didn’t understand why he kept on insisting to pass the law “right away” whats the big rush? And i don’t know if you caught what he said, he said something somewhere along on the lines of everything being paid for, and then later said that in time it would be paid for. Things just didn’t seem clear.

  13. I am interested in the plan. I just not sure it will work. I say, any effort is better than no effort. Hopefully it can point us in the right direction.

  14. Well I am glad to see Obama is talking about a job plan instead of hearing speculations from a lot of sources. I think a lot needs to be done and I also belive a lot has to be desired by our nation. we have so many companys and corporations and a lot of people out of jobs. I think we should stop paying an enormous amount of overtime and start paying others in needs of employment and give opportunities. We surely do not live by lady libertys values we simply turn our heads to her as a nation

  15. While this jobs plan is something I would love to get behind…the reailty is that this may not be what our country needs right now. The position that the United States in is critical with the econmy, and I feel that we should first focus on reducing the country’s debt before we do anything else or make any hasty decisions. It is easy to go back to the stimulus bill from 2008 that was also targeted to help jobs, becuase that obviously failed. Our country doesn’t need another situation like that to deal with right now. So while Obama’s intentions are great, I don’t think it’s what we all need at this current point in time.

  16. jhhhhhohjojp

  17. i am very intersted in the job plans that the president has to offer or has in mind since that means that the economy will increase and has more job oppurtinities ti give. This will also help many people and do not give so much enmployment.

  18. If at first you dont suceded, keep trying the same thing.

  19. when obama first ran for pres he promised us change, hope for America. All he has done is waste Americans money on personal vacations, retarded job plans, medicare plans, and energy plan he need to stop wasting our tax dollors and banckrupting America with he retarted strategies that make no sense!!!

  20. Hope this plan works for the best

  21. I wonder what his idea is. I’ve wondered a few times , i could never figure out a way establish or make jobs with out losing something. but i think that’s just part of a business. you take the risk and try your best to keep it from drowning. but in the end we can only try and do the best we can and keep going with what we have. all these things that are going on in the u.s. well can we really say that it just started to happen. or can we justify and reason with the fact it maybe a hard job to clean up some of the mess that has been left over the years. The economy has been going down, but it hasn’t been going down for about 3-4 years. it’s been going on for a while. Money has been spent on so many things that just thinking about them is overwhelming. Trying to figure out ways to help improve the economy, not fix, isn’t such a bad thing. sure a lot of things can change. but at least hes trying. may be half ways, maybe the best he can do. but so far all i can see are maybes , and not a single exact way.

  22. Most of the comments i have came across regarding this situation have been negative; however i still have hope for Obama. Although many people disagree with Obama’s plans and believe he is not doing his job as president people need to realize that it’s going to take more than one presidential term(4 years) to see a change. We cannot just get out of debt and everything and be fine in four years it takes time just like it took time to get in this problem. Although i do not agree or disagree with Obama’s new job plan i am very interested to see the outcome of the plan and see if it actually works being that the stimulus bill from 2008 was unsuccessful.

  23. I really don’t beleive that spending our way into an even bigger hole of debt is going to help ANYTHING. To pay for this jobs stimulus (because that’s basically what it is, and if you’ll remember, the first stimulus didn’t work either), Obama wants to tax households making over $200k annually; this includes countless small businesses and big business, which create the most jobs for the country! Making these people uncertain about the future of the country and whether they will have enough money to expand their businesses is a good way to kill jobs, not create them; instability leads to collapse. Besides that, the rush to pass Obamacare is what resulted in most Congressmen and women not even READING the bill, and not knowing what was in it, and all the ramifications for this nation. Thus, we are faced with a confusing, expensive, job-killing, and quite socialistic health care law. Doing the same the same thing again–ramming legislation through Congress at a breakneck pace–would NOT be a wise decision.

  24. All I’ve heard about Obama’s job plan has been nothing but negative. And to be completely honest, personally, i dont think this bill will help with anything. Increasing taxes is not gonna solve the problem, it might just dig us deeper in the hole were already in.

  25. I believe that Obama is doing the best he can trying to fix the mess that was left by President Bush. Congress has been giving Obama a hard time with every bill that he tries to pass to help the American people. Congress isn’t pressed to pass a bill helping to create jobs because they all already have jobs. If it concerned them or if their jobs were in jeopardy, I believe they would make a serious effort to pass the bill.

  26. I don’t think raising taxes to make jobs is the best way. The results of after maths are not studied enough. I just hope these jobs are permanent for the people even if its just part-time. Need to look into more in not digging more in our country’s debt. There is already a endless hole and this is not going to help. This is how I see it.

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