Weekly Poll: Your Opinion on Presidential Candidates’ High School Behavior

Last week, the Washington Post reported an incident in which Mitt Romney acted as a bully toward a high school classmate. Some think such incident is relevant to his campaign for president. What do you think?

4 responses to “Weekly Poll: Your Opinion on Presidential Candidates’ High School Behavior

  1. Esau Gonzalez Zuno

    The high school behavior of a presidential candidate or president shouldn’t be an issue. It should only be an issue if they were convicted of a serious crime like murder or rape. Other than that, the past should not be of concern. In Romney’s case, people may think he’s a bully for what he did, but I’m sure he doesn’t behave the same way as he did in high school. Many presidents have done things that people may consider as bad. For example, Bush, Clinton, and Obama have all admitted to smoking weed in high school. Certainly this had no impact in their presidency.

  2. Aimee Cervantes

    This is not relevant to their campaign for president. High School is such a small fraction of your life and does not dictate your life choices as an adult. It’s ridiculous that Mitt Romney’s past from that far back has been dragged out.

  3. Esau Gonzalez Zuno

    The high school behavior of a presidential candidate or president shouldn’t be an issue. It should only be an issue if they were convicted of a serious crime like murder or rape. Other than that, the past should not be of concern. Many presidents in that past have executed their presidential duties without their high school or past behavior affecting them. For example, Bill Clinton admitted to smoking marijuana in his younger days. This of course did not stop him from creating 22 million new jobs, having the lowest unemployment rates in 30 years, raising education standards, and among other accomplishments. Also, President Obama admitted to smoking marijuana in high school with his infamous “Choom Gang.” Again, this had no effect in his presidency. He overhauled the credit card industry and recently passed the Affordable Care Act. So Romney’s bullying is not going to keep him from executing his duties appropriately if he is elected. These insignificant behaviors are only used by the media to portray the person, whom they are speaking about, negatively. To have this men be accountable for these actions is just ridiculous and a waste of time.

  4. Brenda Estevez

    The presidents behavior in high school should not be held accountable. What happened in the past was in the past. Though most people would hold it against him because bullying is a very crucial controversy at the moment. People would think that since he was a bully in his teen years that he may still be a bully to America. The president needs the public’s approval because he may not get higher stands in the polls. In the text it states that, “The higher the president stands in the polls, the easier it is to persuade others to support the candidates initiative.” So people should understand that Mitt Romney’s past bullying was all in the past, he is an adult now and knows that what he did in high school was wrong.

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